What is Kombucha?
It is fermented tea beverage.
Tea + Sugar + SCOBY( symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) = Kombucha
Don’t worry. In the fermentation process, sugar is consumed by yeast and converted to CO2 (natural bubbles) and ethanol (alcohol). Then bacteria consume the ethanol and produce amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
The result is healthy Kombucha! Slightly bubbly, trace amount of alcohol, loaded with probiotics, antioxidants, amino acids, and vitamins.
Benefit of Kombucha? The chronic Kombucha-drinker claiming;
No. 1-Relief from constipation or digestive disorder
No. 2-Feeling of well being
No. 3-Relief from arthritis type of symptoms
No. 4- Had better sleep
No. 5- Experienced weight loss
No. 6- Improvement in skin condition
No. 7- Experienced reduced sugar cravings
Who likes Kombucha?
Your health conscious friends.
Stars like Maddnna, Gwyneth Paltrow.
Athletes like Steve Nash , Ultra marathon Record Holder Scott Jurek
Are you interested in adding Kobo Tea kombucha in your diet?
Please contact me right now. I will make it for you or I will teach you how to make at your home.