Me and Kobo Tea Kombucha
My name is Misako. I am a health educator and holistic health enthusiast. Since I moved from Japan to this country 22 years ago, I have tried many healthy new products in the Bay Area and Seattle where I have lived. It is almost 5 years ago when I tried Kombucha for the first time. Although Kombucha has been on market more than 20 years, I once thought that it was Japanese Kombucha( 昆布茶, Seaweed tea) sold for American people. So, I have been ignoring this new Kombucha for a decade. Then around five years ago, I started to see many different brands of Kombucha in stores, and some of my health conscious friends were raving about Kombucha. Finally I checked the ingredients and realized “ This is not Japanese Kombucha ( 昆布茶 =seaweed tea); it’s a different drink made of tea, sugar, and culture.” Then it hits me that this is the drink named Kocha Kinoko( 紅茶きのこ), literally means Black Tea Mushroom in Japan. I remember this drink was popular as a healthy miracle drink in Japan when I was a kid. I had heard that many housewives were making this tea and its popularity spread by word of mouth, but soon after, it was forgotten.
Did I like my first Kombucha? No. Since I’m not big fan of the carbonated drink, I didn’t like my first very bubbly Kombucha too much. Then I tried the one which my friend made at home; I liked hers much better. Soon after, I had a chance to make it by myself. Wow, my first brew was so delicious; the taste I had never experienced before. It had Umami ( depth of flavor) and was so unique. Since then, my Kombucha brew experiment and adventure began. This is a live drink. Every time my Kombucha came out differently, but that made me more interested in pursuing making my own unique tasty drink . Nowadays all sorts of information are easily available online and I kept searching for Kombucha both in English and Japanese.I appreciate all the Kombucha makers who put invaluable educational articles and instructional videos online. I greatly admire people who love to share good things with others. With my Natural Health education background and my research and findings of the possible benefits of Kombucha, my fascination grows. I’d like to dedicate myself to promote this healthy drink to the world too. This drink is not only healthy, it is also tasty. Maybe this is my true fascination in introducing people to this new beverage. Yes, it may take time to acquire a taste for it, but it may eventually grow on you. I believe that if you try it for a few weeks, you’ll be convinced that you can’t live without Kombucha.